Live healthier and happier. No need to enter the gym even in your house, LIFE THERAPY will help you to have a good understanding of living balanced life and improve your relationship with food and with yourself.


Food & drink are the topics that are never-ending. There are limitless interesting points to write on this topic. This blog is about general Plant-based food, organic food, superfood . The reason why its good for you is because plant-based food does not have any cholesterol, and also because it is organic as well as it is healthy as well as its good for you as well as it helps prevent diseases as well as it helps you lose weight as well as it helps you have a healthy heart as well as it helps you have a healthy brain as well as it helps you have a healthy body as well as it helps you have a healthy skin as well as it helps you have a healthy life.

We also research about non-alcoholic drinks. Non-alcoholic drinks are very popular in today’s world. And it is no wonder because they are tasty, healthy and refreshing. Even the most demanding people are willing to drink this beverage. They are widely used by people of different ages. Even very young children are allowed to drink non-alcoholic drinks. And it is very good, because these drinks are absolutely safe for health.


We aim to help you to create nice peaceful relaxing home for yourself! A comfortable home is not just a place to eat and sleep but a place where you can relax and feel at ease. A home is a place where you can be yourself and where you feel safe and secure. It’s not just a place you live but a place that is yours.

Maybe it’s a place where you can do the things you want, like growing a vegetable garden or reading a book. It’s a place that you can enjoy home spa after long hard stressful day.

Maybe it’s a place where you can make things, like a pottery wheel or a sewing machine. Whatever it is, creating a home is creating a place where you can relax and be yourself.

A place you call HOME – your own life therapy home!


Natural health is more than just an expression or a diet; it is a lifestyle. It is a philosophy that brings tranquility into the mind, body and soul. It is not just a fad diet or an exercise routine, but a way of life. It is the belief that the body is self-healing and that the body is designed to be healthy. It is the belief that the body can heal itself.

Natural medicine is the idea that we can heal ourselves and others using natural remedies and therapies. Some of these remedies and therapies include: Homeopathic remedies, acupuncture, herbs, and supplements. These treatments and therapies help to heal and often resolve symptoms and conditions that often occur as a result of stress and anxiety and the ‘side effects’ of medications. There are many people who swear by natural medicine and the benefits it presents. While many people believe that natural medicine is quackery and not backed by science. There are many people who would like to see natural medicine accepted as a legitimate form of medicine and would like to see it replace or work alongside traditional medicine. There are many people who do not believe natural medicine is effective and give very little evidence. To many people, natural remedies and therapies are effective and extremely beneficial.

We will share our knowledge and research with you and we are hoping you will enjoy it as much as we do.


In our lives, we need to take care of our own needs, including our physical and mental health, our social life, our finances, and our careers. We need to make sure that we’re taking care of ourselves in all of these areas. But why is it important to take care of yourself? Why is self-care important? And what products will be a better choice than others?

There are so many products we consume daily for our personal care. Considering using eco-friendly product, recycle, reused products that harmless to the environment is s good thing to do.

Our aim is reducing the environmental impact. And we are hoping together we can save our Planet.